Understanding why freedom is important and where it originated is essential for maintaining the Freedom and Liberty given to us by God himself. The principles of freedom are eternal and are tied to the Principle of Agency.
Before coming to earth, we all lived with our Heavenly Father in a pre-mortal existence. During this space of time, we were called together for a special council meeting where we would learn and have the opportunity to sustain our Father’s plan of salvation for all His children.
Our Father’s plan required that all people obtain mortal bodies, be tried and proven in all things, and have opportunity to choose, of their own free will, to obey the laws and ordinances of God essential to their exaltation in life beyond mortality.
The central issue in that council was: Shall the children of God have untrammeled agency to choose the course they should follow, whether good or evil, or shall they be coerced and forced to be obedient?
Because a fallen condition was an essential part of the Father’s plan, an infinite, eternal sacrifice was also required to redeem us from this state. Now Lucifer—a personage of prominence—sought to amend the Father’s plan, while Jehovah sustained the plan. The contention in heaven was—there would be some souls that would not be saved because of their choices. Then Lucifer said he had a better plan, for he would save them all, and laid his plan of coercion and force before the grand council and added, when we all return back home the glory will be mine—ALL mine. The grand council sustained the Father’s Plan, and His son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Redeemer.
Because Lucifer and those who stood with him would not accept the Father’s Plan as presented and sustained by the council, rose up in great rebellion. Because of this action, they were cast down to the earth as spirits, where they have continued to foster their same plan.
The war that began in heaven is not yet over. The conflict continues on the battlefield of mortality. One of Lucifer’s primary strategies has been to restrict our agency through the power of earthly governments. Proof of this is found in the long history of humanity.
These rights of agency, that God has given to all his children, must be protected.
May we suggest that it is time to once again Ring the Bells of Freedom in our homes, communities and country.
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