We Love Our Constitution, Book Two, contains 26 pages of colorful illustrations to THE PREAMBLE of our United States Constitution.

Join Liberty and Freedom in a learning activity with hand language to the Preamble of this great document. It is fun way for the family to quickly learn the Preamble.

Price: $9.95


    We Love Our Constitution, Book Two, contains 26 pages of colorful illustrations to THE PREAMBLE of our United States Constitution.

    Join Liberty and Freedom in a learning activity with hand language to the Preamble of this great document.

    Learning the Preamble to our Constitution is fun with Freedom and Liberty.

    The Preamble is at the very beginning of our Constitution. It is similar to a mission statement. It outlines six purposes of the Constitution and commitments made by the people when it is ratified or agreed upon.

    Freedom and Liberty are loveable and charming mascots.

    Freedom and Liberty Mascots are official trademarks of America's Family Learning Center.

    Unauthorized copying or modifying of this work is against the law and is prohibited whether it be for personal, non-profit, educational, home, church use or otherwise.